Sunday, August 16, 2009

Creative Workshop

I have just returned from the inaugral conference of the "Australasian Centre for Wesleyan Research" held at Booth College in Sydney. NTC has initiated this and we have brought in Kingsley Australia and hopefully (once appropriate channels have been gone through) Booth College (Salvation Army) both in Sydney and Melbourne.

One thing that was discussed was the need for our creative musicians/songwriters/poets etc. to write some songs/music for worship. The following workshop is being organised to that end by the salavation Army. If you are interested, you may be able to "gatecrash" it. let me know and I may be able to make appropriate introductions.

Check out the details:

It would be nice if Hillsong is not the only label in the contemporary worship market that those of a Wesleyan persuasion listen to.


  1. Bruce,

    I think this sounds like a great idea! I wonder if Non-Salvos are able to go. If we are then I know Caine Pennell has an interest in going. Any chance there's some funding available?

  2. I'min if that's ok this topic fits my issue concerning youth and their ability (or lack there of) to express their faith. I'm sure I could learna whole lot from the experiance.

  3. Caine is aware pf the conference = he was at the same research centre conference. I think it is worth asking about possible attendance. However, you might have to seek funding from another source.
