Thursday, August 6, 2009

What God Desires from us in Worship - A Biblical Perspective

My research for my paper is hopefully going to be along these lines:

What is it that God desires from us in Worship – A Biblical Perspective

One explanation of worship is “an act performed individually or corporately within informal groups or a formal meeting, or representatively by a designated leader.” Expressions of worship may vary between faiths and within faiths. In most cases, worship will includes one or more of the following; prayer, sacrifice, rituals, meditations, holidays, festivals, sacraments, pilgrimages, music, singing, dancing, dining, fasting, public readings, and/or listening to a public talks or sermons. Worship can also include the physical as in the construction of temples, shrines, architecture, idols, paintings, furnishings, candles and images.

Whilst all these things describe religious worship, I would like to be more specific in examining the true meaning of "God centred worship." My thesis statement being ...
What God desires from us in Worship – A Biblical Perspective.

I would like to strip away everything and do a progressive study by starting with Worship in the Pentateuch. From there, I would like to look at what the meaning of worship was to God’s people in the Old Testament and then though the Gospels and the New Testament.

I am hoping to clarify in my research what it is that God desires from us in true worship. How this impacts on us both individually and corporately, and what we can do improve our true worship of God.

My research is not to contradict our understanding of a worship service with all its elements, but rather to identify the place within this setting for “pure God centred worship”. I believe that the other elements of teaching, fellowship and witness should remain an important part of todays "worship services".



  1. Trevor, your issue is coming along well. One question to consider is what makes this "Christian" worship. Even when you talk in terms of God, there can be very different perspectives on this that lead to multi faith, not just multi denominational.

  2. I agree with Bruce, try to take the NT approach and leavethe OT (Jewish) religious setting behind you. Otherwise you run risk of doing yourself an injury and wind upwith a thesis instead of an essay. Focus on the locum of the Acts church and perhaps Paul's recomendation to the Corinthian church, Colosi, Phillipi,and Ephesus just stay within the disciplined focal point of worship related scripture when scouring for the LORD's styled worship. So don't forget to look at the exampleChrist left us in the Gosples.
    Hope I've been of help.
    Your friend in Christ
    Joseph Riley
