Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Communion Service

Just thought I'd share a bit about our communion service this past Sunday evening.

In preparation, I arranged the seating so that there was plenty of space along the side walls of the church.

When it came to the communion part of the service, I shared about the Christians of the early first and second century church. Following this, I asked everyone to form a circle and we stood around the church facing each other.

I then asked Shehan, one of our young teenagers, to pray for the communion. He prayed clearly and most beautifully.

After reminding everyone as to the reason for partaking in Communion, I called on two other young teenagers, one girl and one boy, who then went around with the elements as we sang "When I survey the wonderous cross". Once everyone had received the elements, I suggested that each pray quietly on their own and partake as and when they felt ready to do so. We then sang "Bind us together Lord" before returning to our seats and ending with a more joyful hymn, "I stand Amazed in the presence, of Jesus the Nazarene"

The response after the service was overwhelming.

One thing that is very positive, is that our children are participating and we are simplifying the communion service so that it can easily be understood by the younger ones, whilst still maintaining the depth and meaning of what we are doing.



  1. Nice job Trevor... extra points for working in some of the stuff we've been discussing in class. Maybe we can find some time to talk about this on Thursday night - I've got a couple of questions if that's ok...

    Oh, and nice work with the young people praying and serving!

  2. This is a good idea Andrew. Let's take some time to discuss this in class.
    Trevor I like your incorporation of young people. You seemed to have integrated both the corporate and individual presepctives well. It is also encouraging to hear the feedback - it seems that people are seeking the simple yet profound. Well done.
