Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thinking outside the box.

I've been working a bit on my assignment topic (unless Bruce is reading this - in which case I've been working on it a lot!) and as I was doing some research today I was reminded to think outside the box a bit and remember to take into account our history.

For my assignment I'm looking at the use of visual media in worship, and specifically the use of data projectors.

Today I was reminded that visual media has been used in many different forms since the very beginning of the church. Here's an example...

This is a page from a hand written bible, about 12th Century I believe. You can see Jesus in the circle of the 'P' talking to some followers, also there's a small collection of building at the top of the letter and some more images of people running down the length.

Its a good reminder for me that there really is "nothing new under the sun" and that while data projectors are the new thing for us, our church has been inspiring people through beauty and images for generations.

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